Oh no! Something terrible has happened and the captain of a ship was sank and now his friends are going to find all the octopus treasures on the sea's bottom. So, just have faith in yourself use the mouse and click on different items. You will succeed it!
So, are you ready to be in the center of all events? Cause here you are going to play and click to move and interact, and keep your eyes open for clues, since spotting and deciphering codes for locks is a big part of playing. Well, the game comes with two difficulty options, and if you're playing on easy, the cursor will not only change when it crosses over interactive zones, it'll highlight important clues in. just place your cursor over the four dots at the right side of the screen to open options for saving, loading, and sound, and use the arrows to either side of your inventory at the bottom of the screen to scroll through it.