Our Last Day Together

Our Last Day Together

Our Last Day Together is a survival game where you have to explore chambers with a flashlight and shotgun. Talk to other people around you, get ammo and other stuff. Explore area and find infected. Survive nights and prepare for new waves. Have you ever been assaulted? In this game you hold the last stand and should not fail, otherwise your days are gone! Grab a shotgun and seek for infected that are waiting behind corners. Flashlight will help to orient at night.

Game Statistics

  • Rating 4.91
  • Rated 11
  • Played 480

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<iframe allow="autoplay" src="//www.gamezhero.com/get-game-code/635b616c7d29a7c2a118dc59a578d053" width="1280px" height="720px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

