Help Icarus gather enough feathers to build his wings.
The Story of a Foolish Boy::
Icarus was the son of Daedalus, an
ingenious architect and inventor.
Among other things Daedalus designed
the Labyrinth, an underground maze of
endless twists and tunnels.
King Minos of Crete imprisoned
Daedalus and Icarus in the Labyrinth
from where there was no escape.
So, Daedalus, being an ingenious
inventor, created wings to enable them
to fly out!
Icarus was the son of Daedalus, an ingenious architect
and inventor. Among other
things Daedalus designed the Labyrinth, an
underground maze of endless twists
and tunnels. King Minos of Crete imprisoned Daedalus
and Icarus in the Labyrinth
from where there was no escape. So, Daedalus, being
an ingenious inventor,
created wings to enable them to fly out!
Icarus and Daedalus attached their wings
to their shoulders with wax. Daedalus
warned Icarus not to fly too close to the
sun. And so father and son flew out of
the Labyrinth and up into the sky.
Daedalus made a safe escape, but poor
despite his father's warning, flew too close
to the sun, melting the wax of his
wings and crashing into the sea.